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Hampton Hill Junior School


HHJS Caring and Kindness Cups

Each week children are able to nominate for random acts of kindness and a winner is chosen to display the Caring Cup in their classroom.

Friendship Buddies

Friendship Buddies are on duty once a week at playtimes and are expected to be a good listening ear to other pupils and will help children with friendships or if they are feeling lonely or need someone to talk to. Friendship Buddies will attend training sessions and a half termly meeting.

Our Friendship Buddies for the Autumn Term 2021 are: Tadiwa, Vinurddh, Cassie, Charlie, Joe, Reksana, Etta, Georgia, Rhys, Bea, Emma and Grace.

Mental Health Champions

Mental Health Champions have the same duties as Friendship Buddies but will also be expected to take part in the strategic overview of mental health in school, as well as take part in assemblies. Mental Health Champions will also attend training sessions and a half termly meeting.

Our Mental Health Champions for the Autumn Term 2021 are: Poppy, Isabella, Ria, Poppy, Sophie, Ciara, Esme, Skyla, Cristian, Tia, Lana and Clara.