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Hampton Hill Junior School

School Association (PTA)

Welcome to Hampton Hill Junior School Association (HHJSA), our version of the PTA here at HHJS. 

Our aim is to raise money for the school to use to enhance school life and we feel that the way we raise money is equally important. We organise a variety of events throughout the year and these provide valuable ways to catch up with friends, make new ones and strengthen the link between home and school. We want everyone to enjoy their time here! Please take a look at our fundraising page (link above) to see the various events that we hold at HHJS.

Parents and carers of children at the school are automatically members of HHJSA and we're always looking for new ideas and help. Any amount of time you can give is much appreciated and a great way to become more involved with our school.

Please contact us directly by email at or The PTA website

We'd love to hear from you!

For a quick and easy way to help, please click and sign up to easyfundraising and raise money for your school every time you shop online! 

Thank you!