HHJS Blog - 21st March 2022
Science Week, Chicks and Red Noses!
This week has been Science week at school and the children have enjoyed taking part in various science activities.
The week ended with Red Nose Day and also the opportunity to dress up as scientists. There were some great outfits and you can see some pictures on the pupil gallery page of the website.
Also this week the chicks hatched! There were 10 in total, 3 boys and 7 girls. Lots of photos can be found in the pupil gallery.
Our learning behaviour this week has been Reflection and seeking feedback.
Our language of the week has been Ukrainian. Hello = Zdravstvuyte.
Our word of the week was Commence: When something commences, or you commence it, it begins.
Our healthiest class of the week was 4D -Well done!