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Hampton Hill Junior School

HHJS Blog - 28th January 2022

This week many children have been isolating at home, and we have seen a return to Google Classroom. The children have been brilliant logging on each day, and we are very proud of them. 

Each day a registration question has been given, and we have had some brilliant responses....

Q: Can Kindness Change the World?

"Yes! Kindness can change the world because it shows respect and how much you care for everybody!"

"Yep because if the world did not have kindness it would be terrible."

"Yes because if there was no kindness nobody would have friends, and it would be the worst place ever!"

"Yes kindness can change the world because if the world didn't have kindness life would be miserable."


Our learning behaviour continues to be Determination and this week we have been working on being resilient.

Our language of the week has been Russian. Hello = Privet.

Our word of the week is casualty - A casualty is a person who is injured or killed in a war or in an accident.

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