HHJS Blog - 14th January 2022
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to the Spring term. The children have all settled back in very well and this week we have spoken to Izzy and Federico from Year 3 who have told us what they have been up to...
Izzy - We have done maths, English and science. In science we did magnets and in history we did Romans - they fight each other!
Federico - I am a Young Interpreter, and we met at lunchtime this week and worked on our video.
Izzy - We played dodge ball in PE and Miss Barnett's team won!
Izzy - In music we learnt to play the violin, Fed, you have your own violin!
Federico - We also had French and I can say hello in French, Bonjour!
Our language of the week was Dutch. Hello = Hallo
Our Learning Behaviour was Determination and recognising that making a mistake is part of learning.
Our Word of the Week was 'novice'. A novice is someone who has been doing a job or other activity for only a short time and so it is not experienced at it.