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Carlisle & Hampton Hill Federation

Reading Challenge

Reading Challenge 

At Hampton Hill Junior School, we are keen to encourage a love of reading in our children. As a result of this, we run our HHJS Reading Challenge, from September until July. All pupils are involved and are encouraged to read a wide range of reading material. They can choose from fiction (stories, plays or poetry books) and non-fiction (information books about any subject that they enjoy). Each child will receive a reading challenge card and the books that they read will be recorded in their cards and their reading resilience will be celebrated in celebration assemblies and rewarded as follows:

10 books – (including 2 from the list) Bronze achieved – bookmark

20 books – (including 5 from the list) Silver achieved – certificate

30 books – (including 10 from the list) Gold achieved – Gold Reader badge

50 books   (including 20 from the list) – Platinum achieved – book token

Book Lists

There are lists available that  include a wide range of books that children should try to read in each year group. These include classic books, modern classics and recently published authors as well as graphic novels and picture books.  These lists are available below and a selection of titles can be found on the back of each child’s reading card. Most of these titles can be found in the school library and there is a shelf specifically designated to this, to help children to identify these books.  Please encourage your child to challenge themselves in their reading and explore different authors. 

Please find below the lists of 100 books to read in Years 3, 4, 5 & 6

Year 3 Reading list

Year 4 Reading list

Year 5 Reading list

Year 6 Reading list